Come along if you can stand the excitement. Minutes of nothing, guaranteed!!!!
13 March 2006
So we're living at the house now (yes, our little money pit of a townhouse) and things just keep getting better and better!!! I think I discovered a wet spot (never a good thing) in the attic. I was vacuuming up all the crap up there. Actually still in the process but I thought I'd take a break for now. So I'm vacuuming and vacuuming and vacuuming. I mean, I'm an attic crawling, vacuuming fool. As I slide on my belly, knuckles, and tips of my slipper shod toes, I come across a little wet spot next to one of the hip rafter supports. Nice!!! Flip over and look up expecting to see wetness on the rafter or at least some dampness. That would be too easy though. Nope, no sign of moisture at all, just some pokey-side-down-head-wound-Harry type nails. Pics in a bit. Reminds me. I can probably get some vacuuming done while I'm up there taking pictures.
If you've got a really kickass internet connection there's a short Quicktime video showing you a little of what I'm up against. Highly recommended for those with insomnia! Stream it! "> Aloha!!
**Edit** The vid is now up and running embedded like courtesy of Have fun. Or Not. Aloha!!!