13 July 2009

There's a whole lotta sadness going on.

I was perusing Digg just a few minutes ago when I ran across this story. Go ahead. Read it. I'll wait. This one's actually old but it sums it up pretty well.

So the Congressional Black Caucus asks for a moment of silence. Big deal right? In the middle of what appeared to be an important debate on energy legislation. Oops. Congressman Yarmuth decided not to participate in this nonsense, as is his right, and the BCC and Louisville NAACP are condemning him. Apparently there are other, perhaps more appropriate ways to show your love for MJ. Two things about that link. 1) Note Pelosi's remarks about halfway down. B) A Congressional resolution honoring him? Really?

So that's sad. Sad that MJ died. Sort of.

Sad that the Congressional Black Caucus was so overwhelmed with grief that they decided to forgo protocol and interrupt proceedings.

Sad that they were so outraged by one Congressman's walk-out they felt the need to reproach him with the help of the NAACP.

But wait there's more!

A link from Google News turned up this gem. Again, I'll wait. Horrifying, sick, atrocious, insert-adjective-here. I'm not making light of the allegations, I truly don't have words to describe the illness I felt reading them. That's sad. There's more. Read any further without losing your lunch and you'll find some interesting logical twists.

It's not a black/white issue. "At its core, the horrific occurrence in North Carolina is not a black/white issue."

It's definitely a black issue though. "Black Americans, do you wonder why our "leaders" aren't getting involved?"

Aaaaaand it's also a black/white, homosexual, religious, issue. Oh, just read the damn thing would you?

The sadness comes where she condemns the alleged abuser not for being white, or a fucking broken, useless piece of shit (yes on both counts by the way) but because he's (wait for it) GASP! HOMOSEXUAL! Yes, dear folks, she's condemning the CBC for not racing to save the black children from the homos. Nice to let your religious beliefs get in between other people and their civil rights.

Ironic then isn't it (follow me here, I'm shooting for literal, not colloquial) that the very people she'd like assistance and action from are busy trying to honor an entertainer who was in the exact same position.

She's condemning the CBC for not aiding the black children allegedly molested by a white man because they're too busy condemning a white Congressman for not observing a moment of silence for a black man who allegedly molested children, some of whom may or may not have been white. Whew!

Michael Jackson is dead. Long live the music.

Some people are gay. Get over it.

Pedophiles come in all colors, all races, all sexual preferences. Just like assholes, freaks, geeks, losers, winners, artists, madmen, etc...